Make a Chair from a Tree: A Introduction to Working Green Wood
Loving, detailed instructions (and thoughts) on making a traditional slat back chair. Using hand tools, Alexander first shows how to make a low work bench and a shaving horse, then goes into the many elements involved in making a chair — design considerations (looks, strength, comfortable fit), properties of working wood (especially green hardwood), with detailed chapters on the rungs, posts, slats and woven seating.
John Alexander is a Baltimore lawyer who has been making chairs with a passion for 13 years. He has evolved a personal style, and it is his hope that the reader/craftsman will do likewise. A beautiful book.
[Drew Langsner, The Next Whole Earth Catalog, p.253]
1. Design and Measurement
2. Hardwoods for Chairs
3. Tools
4. Working Surfaces and Holding Devices
5. Begin with the Rungs
6. Posts
7. Tenons
8. Mortises
9. Assembling Posts and Rungs
10. Slats
11. Finish
12. Seating
13. Afterthoughts
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