The Foxfire Book
Foxfire is a quarterly publication concerned with researching, recording and preserving Appalachian folk art, crafts and traditions. A typical issue contains articles on quilting, chairmaking, soap making, home remedies, mountain recipes, feather beds and home-made hominy, plus regional poetry and book reviews. One issue was devoted entirely to log cabin building. These are not superficial “feature” articles, but definitive, detailed treatments of traditional skills and crafts that have come close to dying out of our culture.
Foxfire would be a credit to a group of professional folklorists. But when you consider that it is edited and published by high school kids at the Rabun Gap-Nacoo- chee School in Rabun Gap, Georgia, it becomes impressive indeed. The thing I like most about it is the way these kids are looking immediately around them for their inspiration, instead of taking cues from New York and California. In their own way, these people are as hip and sophisticated as any young people putting out a magazine on either coast. More so, even. They’re cooler, more adult. Foxfire’s editors and writers (and some excellent photographers) seem to me as aware of what’s wrong with the world as anyone. The thing that distinguishes them from their shrill counterparts in the cities is the absence of fad, slogan and cliche as they set out to improve the world. These kids in Georgia are living in a real world, studying real things, and in consequence they are creating a wonderfully real publication in Foxfire.
[Gurney Norman, The Next Whole Earth Catalog, p.570]
Since Gurney wrote this review in 1969 Foxfire has grown and deepened with the years into a flat-out landmark of American education and folklore technique. It’s been widely copied, always to good effect. Try it in your area. The old-timers tell things to youngsters they Peter standing at the gate wouldn‘t say to anybody else.
[Stewart Brand, The Next Whole Earth Catalog, p.570]
"this is the way I was raised up"
Aunt Arie
Tools and Skills
Building a Log Cabin
Chimney Building
White Oak Splits
Making a Hamper out of White Oak Splits
Making a Basket out of White Oak Splits
An Old Chair Maker Shows How
Rope, Straw, and Feathers are to Sleep on
A Quilt is Something Human
... etc
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