The Elements of Structure
Lots of sketches (usually 2 per page) and not many numbers. Almost as if Ken Kern (The Owner Built Home, p. 223) had written a book on structural engineering.
[Bob Cunningham, The Next Whole Earth Catalog, p.220]
1. Some Fundamental Definitions
2. The Principal Structural Materials
3. Effects of Forces: Moments: Force Diagrams
4. The Masonry Arch, Vault and Dome
5. The Beam: Timber, Iron and Steel
6. The Beam and the Slab: Reinforced Concrete
7. The Beam: Prestressed Concrete
8. The Truss
9. The Column
10. The Connexions
11. The Building
12. The Foundations
13. The Modern Arch and the Portal Frame
出版年:1977年(Second Edition)
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