MUSHROOMING WITHOUT FEAR: The Beginner's Guide to Collecting Safe and Delicious Mushrooms
Can you tell the difference between a head of cabbage and a head of lettuce? Then you can safely pick and eat some wild mushrooms. The key is to learn to identify a few easily identifiable delicious species, and then stick with these easy ones for a while. This book does a fantastic job of holding your hand every step of the way. It gives you reliable rules for learning 10 or so yummy and safe mushrooms. I wish I had this book when I was first starting out. It is a great substitute for going out with an expert.
[Kevin Kelly, COOL TOOLS]
Mushrooming Without Fear
It's Safe, Easy and Fun
How to Use This Guide
What is a Mushroom?
How to Pick Mushrooms
Positively Identifying Mushrooms
Mushrooms With Tubes
Mushrooms With Ridges
Mushrooms With Spines
Mushrooming Miscellany