The Tent Book
A detailed and well-illustrated history of tents is contrasted with the very latest tension structures and camping equipment in the nicest tent book I’ve had the pleasure to see. There’s a good discussion of camp tents, and a not especially comprehensive buyer’s guide to get you started. I like books such as this one because there isn’t any cause being pushed, yet there is a certain hard-to-resist insistence that the reader accept the basic ideas. In this case you are asked to agree that a tent can be a good home. In a day when a “low-cost” house is $150,000 by the time the mortgage is paid, there will be more and more interest in tension structures. This is a good place to start getting used to the idea.
[J. Baldwin, The Next Whole Earth Catalog, p.213]
Part 1. The Tent in History
1. Europe and Asia
2. America
3. The Nomads
Part 2. The Tent as Art
4. Architecture
5. Tent Art
6. Stage and Screen
Part 3. Tents for Campers
7. A Consumers' Guide
8. Sources