Build Your Harvest Kitchen
Rodale Press here makes a creditable entry into the home remodeling field, long the domain of Sunset Books and more recently Reader’s Digest (their outstanding Do-It- Yourself Manual is reviewed on p. 156 of the Next Whole Earth Catalog). All of the jobs are here step-by-step — design, carpentry, wiring, plumbing, cabinet making — plus loads of plans for cabinets and accessories. And if you don’t know the proper use of the hand and power tools needed, that’s here too.
The goal of any how-to book for beginners is demystification, and the real message is: “You can play too.” If you can only consume things that other people make, it gets boring. The skills available here to create for yourself exactly what’s needed are a great antidote.
[Richard Nilsen, The CoEvolution Quarterly Spring 1981, p.120]
Part 1: Planning the Kitchen You Want
Part 2: The Basics
Part 3: Appliances, Large and Small
Part 4: Cabinets and Storage
Part 5: Building Projects for the Harvest Kitchen
Part 6: A Portfolio of Harvest Kitchens