Water in Environmental Planning
This is the watershed text. A diamond of the first water. Dunne and Leopold wield the swords of Reason and Science, insisting on Quantitative thought. Not just “It rained”; we must say: “A two-hour light rain (that’s 1/10” per hour) that caused little overland flow.” The book is required reading for those plunging into the nitty-gritty of Environmental Impact Reports; regional or local planning; fighting or supporting subdividers and developers; teaching about flood hazards, rotational slips, stormwater and groundwater overdraft. The writing isrationalist (citing sources, latinate, metrics and lotsa techno lingo). But, taking your time, eddying around in the paragraphs, is always instructive.
[Peter Warshall, The Next Whole Earth Catalog, p.69]
1. Six Field Examples
2. Precipitation
3. Interception
4. Water Loss from Lakes
5. Water Use by Vegetation
6. Water in the Soil
7. Groundwater
8. The Water Balance
9. Runoff Processes
10. Calculation of Flood Hazard
出版年:1998年(15th Printing)
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