indian tales
About ten years ago a story went around that a beatnik girl in Sausalito wrote to Ezra Pound and asked him how 0 write poetry. Pound replied promptly. “Read Indian Tales by Jaime de Angulo. It is how.”
De Angulo was a linguist at Berkeley, a bohemian personality in early Big Sur, and a good friend to the “primitive” Pit River Indians in Northern California. (His challenge to the notion of primitive may be found in his excellent article “Indians in Overalls’, reprinted in The Hudson Review Anthology, Vintage, 1967). He wrote these stories for his children. They are made from odds and ends of his experiences with Indian stories, language, lore, and mysterious occasions. They are the best children’s stories I know, and they are more simply Indian than anything else I’ve read.
(KPFA in Berkeley has superb tapes of De Angulo reading the stories. Maybe they’ve decomposed by now. If they were made into a record set, I‘d buy them in a minute.)
[Stewart Brand, The Last Whole Earth Catalog, p.369]
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