Country Furniture
I began building furniture without hardware partly as a discipline and partly because I lived thirty miles away from the nearest hardware store, and was surrounded by a forest of nice round lodgepole pine with no electric wires strung between them. I began with a pretty good load of hand tools, and a couple of picture books, built a shaving horse from the pictures in Eric Sloane’s Museum of Early American Tools, and then went to drawknifing and drilling and pegging wood to wood.
One thing for sure: Country Furniture is a good picture book, mainly because its author is a book illustrator, but also because there is a lot of interest shown in the working procedures and tools of early American furniture makers. This is not a step-by-step manual, more of a collection of lost knowledge which can be put to good use by the crafts person who is having a little trouble finding someone to whom to apprentice nowadays. If only I could build furniture as precisely as Aldren Watson can illustrate.
[J. D. Smith, The Next Whole Earth Catalog, p.250]
1. Furniture maker, farmer, woodsman
2. Where they came from
3. Ancient origins
4. Characteristics and properties of wood
5. Sawmill to workbench
6. The workshop
7. Bench tools and equipment
8. Woodworking methods
表紙・背表紙・裏表紙に傷みやシミ、天と小口にシミ(写真9, 10)があります。一部ページに軽微な破れとシミ(写真11, 12)があります。