Art Cars: The Cars, the Artist's, the Obsession, the Craft
Why are cars so boring, uniform in color, undecorated, unpersonalized when they could be.... covered in pennies, painted in polka dots, or traced in iron? You've probably seen an art car on the road and smiled. This is one of several albums of homemade art car culture by Harrod Blank. If you can improve cars this way, you can do it with toasters and the rest of the stuff in Walmart.
[Kevin Kelly, COOL TOOLS, p.103]
predominantly painted
second skin
public display of collection
just for the attention
hybrid motors
suspension of disbelief
trikes and bikes
inspiration & influences
the car is a canvas
art car web sites
photo credits and index
表紙・背表紙・裏表紙に傷みや折れ、一部ページに書き込み(写真8, 9)があります。