Instant Boats
Intermediate technology using modern materials (if you are willing to accept such a contradiction in terms) is best exemplified by the work of Harold Payson in his interpretation of the designs of Phil Bolger. Payson’s instant boats are plywood craft that are simple, easy to build, and marvelous to behold and use. His book of the same name is informative, thought provoking, and truly delightful to read. If you can imagine and appreciate a down-east boatbuilder describing how to fuse traditionalism with avant-gardism, you will thoroughly enjoy Instant Boats.
[Peter Spectre, The Next Whole Earth Catalog, p.444]
1. Introduction
2. The Good of Wood
3. Beginner’s Luck (Mostly Bad)
4. Feet, Inches, Eights (It’s the Rule)
5. Tools of the Trade
6. More Power to You
7. The Best is None Too Good (Sometimes)
8. The Pleasures of a Simple Rig
9. Building Teal Step by Step
10. Rounding Out the Instant Fleet
11. Now That You Have Your Instant Boat
ジャケットに傷み、一部ページにシミ(写真6, 7)があります。