Tools for Homesteaders, Gardeners, and Small-Scale Farmers
If you live in the country and raise food, get your hands on this catalog. No rural town or county library should be without it. Rodale has taken John Boyd's work for Intermediate Technology Publications on appropriate agricultural tools for the third world, and added a very comprehensive listing for American-made tools, old and new. Access to dealers, foreign and domestic, is included. Chapters on hand tools, tractors, tillers, cultivating implements, planting and harvesting equipment, threshers, and more, all illustrated. A healthy respect for the farmer as tinkerer and recycler of old machinery is shown throughout.
Before you go out and reinvent the wheel, flip through these pages; somebody may have beat you to it.
[Richard Nilsen, The Next Whole Earth Catalog p.131]
1. A Picture of the Small Farmer Today
2. Tools for Cultivation
3. The Continuing Role of Draft Animals
4. Tractors
5. Equipment for Seeding and Planting
6. Harvesting Equipment
7. Cleaning Grains and Seeds
8. Processing Equipment
9. Tools for Adding Organic Matter to the Soil
10. Woodlot and Orchard Management