Designing Houses: An Illustrated Guide to Building Your Own Home
Though not billed as such, Designing Houses is a thing- maker’s dream book! Even if designing and building your own “big house” is not within your current reach, you cannot help being caught up in the enthusiasm generated within. Model making is stressed throughout, starting with the setting up of your own “architect's office,“ obtaining the instruments and tools of the trade and quite an ample course on cardboard construction. Best of all are the drawings: neat, simple, funky, their inevitable influence on your own sketches makes this handsome volume underpriced... now where did I lay my X-acto...
[Joe Eddy Brown, The Next Whole Earth Catalog, p.222]
Meeting Fred and Lois and Their Family
Setting Up Your Office
Gathering Information
Preparing Construction Drawings
表紙・背表紙・裏表紙に傷み、天や小口にシミ(写真4, 5, 7)があります。