Human knowledge used to be divided into: 1) our people; 2) everything else. In the last decade or so, it’s started to divide differently: 1) Earth; 2) everything else. This new book is now the best introduction on understanding everything in the context of Earth, and Earth in the context of everything else.
It’s personal view – Carl Sagan’s – derived from his public television series of the same name. I liked those programs far less than this book, but clearly the necessarily graphic research for video yielded a rich inventory of images for the book. (They are mostly new and mostly highly illuminating and knowledgeably captioned. That’s rare in the field of popular astronomy, where half-decent images are recycled forever.) Carl is opinionated as well as insightful; both characteristics give the book its life. Both are invigorating. You might well wind up on another planet just to refute his preference for robots in space.
[Stewart Brand, The Next Whole Earth Catalog p.9]
1. The Shores of the Cosmic Ocean
2. One Voice in the Cosmic Fugue
3. The Harmony of Worlds
4. Heaven and Hell
5. Blues for a Red Planet
6. Travelers' Tales
7. The Backbone of Night
8. Travels in Space and Time