How to Make a Journal of Your Life
Most people take journaling either way too serious, or not serious enough. For such a key life skill it should be more like you – expressive, idiosyncratic, unique. This tiny chapbook is the best guide I know of to get you started in journaling, and keep you going. Hand drawn with inspiration, it properly emphasizes the value of graphic thinking in the examined life. It is wise, brief, and fun. I’ve given one copy to each of my kids. Although it does not mention blogging, and assumes you’ll use s notebook, I think every blogger and blogger-hopeful should read it.
[Kevin Kelly, COOL TOOLs p.459]
Walk the Path
Find the Way
Search and You Shall Find
Wonder about Things
Less is More
Study Reality
The Best Stuff in Life is Free
Go Find Your Bliss
出版年:1999年 (1st Printing)