Music of the Whole Earth
This is the most beautiful and essential book on music I have ever seen! Perfectly accessible to the music-lover as well as the music-maker, this is a book that everyone seriously interested in music should read. David and Carol Reck have done a stunning job of tackling an ambitious subject: the charting of “an exquisitely beautiful and relatively unexplored country: the musical landscape of the whole earth.” And this book comes at a most urgent time: traditional musics of the world rank high on the list of endangered species. They too, once gone, will never reappear.
[Peter Garland, The Next Whole Earth Catalog p.481]
1. The Universal Horoscope
2. The Ladder of Orpheus
3. The Global Orchestra
4. Machinations of Sound
5. Time and the River of Rhythm
6. From Birds to Melody Bands
7. Timbre and Timber
8. The Quilt of Sound