T'AI-CHI: The"Supreme Ultimate"Exercise for Health, Sport, and Self-Defense
Considered the best book on this most sophisticated of calisthenics, T'ai-Chi is very well illustrated, as you might expect. But I can't imagine learning the art just from a book. To locate teachers near you try the yellow pages or write T'ai-Chi Chuan Association, 211 Canal Street, New York, NY 10013.
[Stewart Brand, The Next Whole Earth Catalog, p.589]
1. Introducing T'ai-chi
2. Principles of T'ai-chi
3. T'ai-chi for a Healthier Life
4. The Solo Exercise
5. T'ai-chi for Sport
6. T'ai-chi for Self-Defense
7. Two Masters Look at T'ai-chi
8. The T'ai-chi Ch'uan Classics
出版年:1996年 (35th printing)
ジャケットに傷み、一部ページに書き込み(写真6, 7)があります。