The $50 & Up Underground House Book
A boom in private underground shelter construction is clearly underway. Although there are now several big, general books on the subject from major publishers (with more undoubtedly on the way), I still like Mike's funky, low-key, original-rebel approach. He flatly doesn't like concrete, and at the structural core of his sub-surface dwellings is what he calls the "PSP System" (post/shoring/polyethlene), which admittedly flunks most code requirements. Nevertheless, it still sounds like the very best low-cost outlaw home going. Even if you're learning towards conventional (and more expensive) concrete construction, Oehler's book provides many times its cost in perceptive tips on sub-surface design, philosophy, living and underground building in general.
[Lewis Watson, The Next Whole Earth Catalog, p.241]
1. What An Underground House Is Not
2. What An Underground House Is; 23 Advantages
3. Histories of the $50 and $500 Underground Houses
4. The PSP System
5. Design
6. Materials: Where to Buy and Scrounge
7. Construction
8. You and the Building Codes