Secrets of the Old Growth Forest
How easy it is to look with scorn and frustration at the destruction of tropical rainforests today. How hard to recognize our own destruction of comparable domestic treasure. The old-growth forest of the Pacific Northwest is Canada’s and America’s ancient biological wonder. Here are trees hundreds of feet high that aren’t “mature” until 250 years and often live a thousand. We are destroying the last remnants of this treasure at a time when science is just beginning to understand how it functions and sustains itself as a biological system.
It’s rare to find a book that instructs with as much eloquence and beauty as this one does. When information is also aesthetic – like the color photographs throughout this book – it makes a deeper impression. Peregrine Smith Books has made a business out of doing right by books on worthy subjects, and this volume is one their best ever.
[Richard Nilsen, Whole Earth Ecolog p.17]
Secrets of the Old Growth
The Grove
The Green Hell
Children of the Forest